首页> 中文期刊>山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >日据朝鲜半岛时期汉语教育的殖民色彩




20世纪30年代是日据朝鲜半岛时期①汉语教育从中断到兴起的特殊阶段。日本“满洲”移民计划及“大东亚新秩序”的殖民野心影响了朝鲜半岛汉语教育政策的更迭,殖民官方支持的“新满蒙社”服务于“满洲”移民事务和“满洲语”教育,以“满洲语”命名的汉语教科书充斥着“满洲”事务和政治军事内容,其“满洲”色彩、实用性和工具化体现了日本在朝鲜半岛推行汉语教育的异质化和殖民性,也反映出日据朝鲜半岛语言殖民教育的复杂性和手段的多样化。%It is a special time period of Chinese education in the Korean peninsula during the 1 930s when the peninsula is occupied by Japan (1 910 1 945).The Manchuria Migration Program and the colonial ambitions of the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere led to great changes in Chinese teaching policy at that period.The New Manchuria and Mongolia Corporation supported by the authority were at the service of Manchuria immigration affairs and Manchuria language teaching. Therefore,the Chinese textbooks named Manchu were filled with Manchuria affairs and its military issues, of which the practicality and Manchuria Characteristics embodied heterogeneity and colonization of Chinese education at that period. Also it reflects the complexity of language colonization education and the diversity of its means executed by Japanese imperialism as well.



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