


慈善组织自治是慈善事业发展的基础,但慈善组织并不具备使其自治功能充分实现的完全理性,需要由国家和政府对其自治行为实施引导和规范等监管措施。从慈善组织追求目标的公益性和内部治理机制的固有缺陷视角看,慈善组织政府监管确有其必要性。在慈善事业发达的英美等国家,政府作为公共利益的维护者对于慈善组织设立、运作到终止的整个过程,都要进行全方位的监管,完善的政府监管保障了这些国家慈善事业的健康发展。我国慈善立法应当在立足国情的基础上,借鉴其他国家的先进经验,对慈善组织的设立、运作和终止设定科学严谨的监管规则,以保障我国慈善组织的健康成长和慈善事业的良性发展。%Charity organizations’self-discipline is the basis of the development of philanthropy,but charity organizations do not have the perfect nationality that makes its self-discipline function fully achieved,which makes it necessary for the government to regulate charity organizations.Legal study discussed the necessity of government supervision over charity organization from the point of public object and inherent defects of internal governance. In the countries with developed philanthropy,governments as the safeguard of public interests,has regulated the whole process of establishment,operation and termination of charity organizations,which guarantees the sound development of philanthropy. China should scientifically design the supervision rules in the establishment,operation and dissolution of charity organizations in the basis of the combination of international experience and national conditions,so that Chinese charity organizations could well grow and the philanthropy in China can develop better.



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