首页> 中文期刊>山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版) >略论《读易别录》对《隋书·经籍志》体例的继承与改造




The Outline Index to The Book of Changes(Du Yi Bielu)by Quan Zuwang(1705 ~1755)is the first catalogue exclusively of Yi-ology in the history of bibliography,and it mainly includes the unor-thodox documents in this field. Its compilation is of course not a mere copy of the former histories presen-ted in a series of biographies. For example,the two categories taking up more space than the other on the general theory of Yin-yang calamity and divination and its verification,and of the divination and auspice of the scholars in the Han and Tang dynasty have both borrowed the stylistic rules and layout of the mas-ters of the five elements( Wuxing jia)of the Records of Ancient Books in Chronicle of the Sui Dynasty ( Jingji zhi in Sui shu),and are different from other books of the same kind. And on the basis of Records of Ancient Books in Chronicle of the Sui Dynasty,the book is with more detailed classifications,and more accurate textual researches,embodying Quan Zuwang’s unique understanding of the development of Yi-ology.%清人全祖望所作《读易别录》,是目录学史上第一部专门的《易》学书目,其收录的主要是非正统经《易》之学的“《易》外别传”类文献。《读易别录》的编纂并非简单抄录旧史艺文志,以占全书分量较重的“通说阴阳灾异及占验体例”、“汉唐诸人卜筮林占之书”二类为例,从类目设置,到著录次序,均借鉴了《隋书·经籍志》“五行家”的体例,而与历代其他书目不同。《读易别录》在《隋志》基础上,分类更为细密,考证亦更精确,体现了全祖望对《易》学发展脉络的独特理解。



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