首页> 中文期刊>山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版) >治身与治国:《管子》的生命哲学初探*




《管子》客观保留了先民通过鬼神祭祀、袚禊沐浴等原始医疗活动,同时又赋予这些原始医疗活动以新的时代内涵。《管子》生态医学观要求人们通过主观努力来顺时养生,追求人与天调,成为传统中医的主要思维模式。《管子》“精气论”构建起中国医理学的基础。《管子》“以人为本”的医学思想成为中国医学人文理念的基石,对后世产生了深远的影响。%The book of Guanzi retains objectively the primitive medical activities of the ancients such as gods and ghosts worship,waterside evil-removing ceremony( fuxi)and bathing,but at the same time endows the activities with new connotation of the times. The ecological view of medicine contained in the Book demands man to keep fit in line with the changes of the seasons,and to seek after the harmony be-tween heaven( nature)and man through subjective efforts,and this has become the main mode of think-ing of traditional Chinese medicine. Its doctrine of "essence and Qi" has vigorously accelerated the course of a scientific traditional medicine,and has become a dominant health-preserving ideology in tra-ditional Chinese medicine. The medical thought of Guanzi is an important embodiment and the very con-notation of its people-oriented idea in politics,for,the concept of humanistic concern in its political ideology is an important cultural gene in the pre-Qin politics,and bears a profound and far-reaching influence upon the later ages.



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