首页> 中文期刊>山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版) >齐鲁大地抗战历史的两岸叙事比较--以长篇小说《大动乱》和《苦菜花》为例*




齐鲁大地既是抗战时期较早沦陷且为国共军队活动频繁的抗日主战场之一,又是底蕴深厚的中华传统文化的发源地之一。《大动乱》和《苦菜花》作为海峡两岸同时期描写这一地域抗战历史的小说作品,其所呈现的政治历史文化审美上的异同显然具有文学史的典范意义。在海峡两岸结束严重对峙正走向和平发展并共同迎来抗战胜利70周年的今天,开展两岸抗战小说的比较研究亦不乏政治历史意义。%Occupied by the enemy earlier than other areas during the Anti-Japanese War period,Qilu area is at the same time one of the main battlegrounds against Japan where frequent military operations were held by CCP and KMT troops,and one of the cradles of the profound traditional Chinese culture. The political,historical,cultural and aesthetic similarities and differences demonstrated by Great Upheav-als;Bitter Herbs( Kucaihua),novels across the Straits depicting the history of the anti-Japanese war of this area,are obviously of model and canonical significance. And,today,as the fierce confrontation across the Straits is about to an end and is embarking on the path to peaceful development,and the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese war will be jointly ushered in by both sides of the Straits, it is certainly not without political and historical significance to carry out a comparative study between the anti-Japanese war novels across the Straits.



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