首页> 中文期刊>科技与法律 >网络游戏虚拟物数据本质之回归——兼论非法获取网络游戏虚拟物的行为认定




目前对游戏装备、游戏币等为代表的网络游戏虚拟物的性质认定仍久争不决,主要体现为财物说和系统数据说,而非法获取该类虚拟物的相关刑事案件处理结果也尚不统一,罪名认定分歧主要表现为盗窃罪和非法获取计算机信息系统数据罪.从根本上来说,网络游戏虚拟物的本质并非财物,而是游戏玩家与游戏运营商缔结的服务合同项下为合同完全履行所必备之"工具",是游戏开发者以二进制01串进行的编码,以电磁记录的方式存在,本质上应是可以进行商业化利用的计算机系统数据,因此称之为"网络游戏虚拟物"而非"虚拟财产"更适宜,非法获取该类虚拟物的,应以非法获取计算机信息系统数据罪论处.%Nowadays, there is a public debate over the nature of the virtual property such as the game equipment and game currency. Two main theories on the nature of the virtual objects are the theory of property and the theory of system data. The results of criminal cases related to the illegal acquisition of such virtual objects are not uniform either. The main differences of conviction determination are the crime of theft and illegal acquisition of computer information system data. Fundamentally, the nature of the online game virtual objects are not property but the necessary "tool" to fulfill the service contracts between the players and the game operators. It's a kind of binary coding 01 string made by game developers, existing in the form of electromagnetic records. In essence, it should be computer system data that can be used commercially. Therefore, it is more appropriate to be called "online game virtual objects " rather than " virtual property ". Those who illegally obtain such virtual objects shall be punished as illegally obtaining the data of computer information system.



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