首页> 中文期刊>铁道科学与工程学报 >双40英尺岸桥的集卡调度问题研究




In view of the operation characteristics of the dual 40' quay crane, a truck scheduling modle were formulated by considering the synchronization and the sequence of the different trucks which were assigned to compete the tasks in the same task group. The objective was to minimize the weighted sum of the delay time of 40' quay cranes, the void time of vehicles and the time gap of the same task groups. The code manner of generation algorithm was designed to make it more suitable for solving the mathematical model. A heuristic algorithm for multistage target optimization was designed to compare the efficiency of the GA. Based on the result, comparisons between 40' quay crane and general quay crane were made. In the case of the reasonable allocation of cards, the operation efficiency of dual 40' quay crane can be increased by nearly 50%.%针对双40英尺岸桥的工作特点,综合考虑操作同一任务对的两辆集卡到达岸桥时间的同步性及次序性,以岸桥延迟时间、集卡空驶时间及任务对的时间差的加权和最小为目标,建立岸桥集卡的协同调度模型.针对上述模型,设计遗传算法的编码方式,使之更适合于集卡调度问题的求解,并设计一个多级目标优化的启发式算法与遗传算法相比较.最后分析最佳的岸桥-集卡数量配比,并将双40英尺岸桥的作业效率与常规岸桥的作业效率进行比较,研究结果表明:在集卡配置合理的情况下,双40英尺岸桥的作业效率可以提高近50%.



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