首页> 中文期刊> 《铁道工程学报》 >深部位移监测在东西高速滑坡处治中的应用




Research purposes: As the sliding surface and sliding bed of one or two landslides in the bidding M3 sectionrnof the Algeria East - West Highway Project were formed of gravel, it was difficult to confirm the position of slidingrnsurface by identifying and analyzing the drill core. If the position of sliding surface can not be correctly judged, it willrncause the waste of the engineering cost or make the project unsuccessful.rnResearch conclusions: (1) The existence of the old landslide mass and the relative loose earth structure were thernpremises of the landslide happening of landslide. As the landslide soil was weakened by seepage of the continuousrnrainfall, the weight of soil body increased. The high slope was formed by the earth excavation without taking thernappropriate supporting measures. All these factors caused landslides when the rock and earth mass arised from the slidernplane. (2) The monitoring of the deep displacement quantitatively verified that this landslide had been movable in manyrntimes with the characteristics of multilayer landslide soil. The shallow slide plane was 6. 5 -20. 5 m away from the earthrnsurface; and the deep slide plane was 15.5 -31 m away from the earth surface. The total displacement of slide planernwas 13m and the maximum deformation rate of the slide plane was 0. 42 mm per day. (3 ) The monitoring technology forrndeep displacement was particularly available for the cases that the investment was limited, the geological formation wasrncomplicated and the position of sliding surface was difficult to be judged by drilling. It would play a more and morernimportant role in the security monitoring and evaluation of the treatment effect to assist the survey and design of landsliderntreatment.%研究目的:阿尔及利亚东西高速M3标段,个别滑坡滑面及滑床为碎块石,单纯通过钻孔岩芯鉴定无法准确确定滑面,而滑面判定不准,不是造成浪费,就是造成工程失败.研究结论:(1)老滑坡体的存在、相对疏松的岩土结构是滑坡产生的前提;持续降雨入渗软化滑带土,增加土体重度;土方开挖形成高边坡且没设置恰当的支挡防护工程,从而导致岩土体自坡面剪出形成滑坡.(2)深部变形监测定量验证了该滑坡发生了多期活动,存在多层滑带土的特点,浅层滑面距离地表6.5 ~20.5 m,深层滑面距离地表15.5~31 m,滑面最大累计位移13 mm,滑面处最大变形速率0.42 mm/d.(3)深部变形监测对于投资受到限制、地质地层情况复杂、钻探工作难以准确界定滑面层位等情况特别适用,辅助勘察设计与后评价工作.



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