首页> 中文期刊>齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >高校中国近现代史教育的演进及历史教育的衔接——基于《中国近现代史纲要》课程授课逻辑的思考




Outline of Chinese Modem History (Outline), as a compulsory ideological and political theory course in colleges and universities, is based on the knowledge of Chinese modern history and aims at defining the two historical tasks and three historical choices. The summary of the evolutions Of educational system on Chinese modem history in colleges and universities can define the teaching logic of the Outline. The article holds that the historical education should insist on the core base of patriotism and attach more importance to orderly inheritance, that is, active in elementary school, meditative in secondary school, and dynamic in university, in order to realize the transformation of history teaching, especially the teaching of Outline course from knowing what to why.%《中国近现代史纲要》(以下简称《纲要》)作为高校必修的一门思想政治理论课,是以近现代史知识为基础,明确两大历史任务和三个历史选择为教育目标。通过对我国高校中国近现代史教育体系演进的总结,明了《纲要》课的授课逻辑,认为学校历史教育在坚持爱国主义教育这个核心目的基础上,要注重有序衔接,做到小学要“活”,中学要“静”,大学要“动”,由此实现历史教学特别是《纲要》课教学由知晓“是什么”,向思考“为什么”转变。



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