首页> 中文期刊>齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >'奥版'与'徐版'的《一个陌生女人的来信》之比较




The successful adaptation of the Austrian writer Stephen Zweig's A Letter From A Strange Woman makes it possible that a melancholy and sad story, full of compassion could be reinterpreted by another form of art.Through the interpretation of different stories in the editions of the Austrian version and the Xu's version, the article focuses on the comparison of the two in the aspects of plot, the female images and the female love view.From these, we can find that the artistic works produced under different cultural backgrounds can be widely welcomed only under the fusion of local culture, and the adaptation of literary masterpiece is the ideal choice to promote the effective expression of this art.%奥地利作家斯蒂芬·茨威格小说《一个陌生女人的来信》的成功改编,使得一曲凄婉哀伤、惹人怜悯的故事又有重新被另一种艺术形式给以完美演绎诠释的可能.文章通过对"奥版"和"徐版"不同的故事言说的解读,并重点对两部电影情节构思、女性形象、女性爱情观进行了比较,从中我们可以发现,不同文化背景下产生的艺术作品只有融合当地文化才能广泛受到欢迎,其中文学名著的改编则是推动这种艺术有效表达的理想选择.



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