首页> 中文期刊> 《齐齐哈尔医学院学报》 >妊娠合并再生障碍性贫血的分娩方式与临床监测




Objective To explore merger in patients with aplastic anemia during pregnancy childbirth way, to strengthen clinical monitoring, reduce complications.Methods For our hospital maternity merger of 32 cases of pregnancy with aplastic anemia patients childbirth way and clinical monitoring were analyzed retrospectively.Results 32casesofaplasticanemiapregnantmetaphaseinducedlabor14cases,18casesof pregnancy to late, the 13 cases of vaginal delivery, on average, postpartum blood loss was 360 ml; Cesarean delivery in 5 cases, average blood loss was 520 ml;Different childbirth way with postpartum haemorrhage amount had significant difference (P<0.05).18 cases of late pregnancy to maternal death in 1 case, neonatal death in 2 cases, the rest didn't have a case of a merger complications such as bleeding, infections, maternal and child were safe.Conclusions To strengthen perinatal health care during pregnancy and after birth to strengthen disease surveillance, and choose the appropriate childbirth way, effective treatment measures, is to ensure that aplastic anemia pregnant women mother baby safe and reduce the complications.%目的:探讨妊娠合并再生障碍性贫血患者的分娩方式,加强临床监测,减少并发症发生。方法对本院产科32例妊娠合并再生障碍性贫血患者的分娩方式及各阶段的临床监测进行了回顾性的分析。结果32例再障孕妇中期引产14例,18例妊娠至晚期,经阴道分娩13例,平均产后出血量为360 ml;剖宫产5例,平均出血量为520 ml;不同分娩方式与产后出血量有显著差异(P<0.05)。18例妊娠至晚期的产妇中死亡1例,新生儿死亡2例,余无1例合并大出血、感染等并发症,母婴均平安出院。结论孕期加强围产期保健,临产后加强病情监护,选择合适的分娩方式,采取有效的治疗措施,是保证再障孕妇母婴平安及减少并发症的关键。



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