首页> 中文期刊>青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >二战结束前后大国在奥地利的争夺与苏美冷战(1945~1948)




二战中,苏美英法四大国对奥地利也实行了分区占领。战后大国在奥地利问题上展开了角逐。除了奥地利赔款问题苏联占了上风外,在如奥地利新政府的组成、奥地利的货币改革、在奥地利“德国资产”的界定以及在削减占领费用等问题的较量中,苏联都处于下风。其根本的原因与苏联对奥破坏、掠夺性的占领政策有关。随着美苏冷战的展开,双方在奥地利的角逐也逐步升级。马歇尔计划不仅促进了奥地利的经济复兴,而且保持了奥地利经济统一。奥地利政治上的统一和经济上的复兴为其在大国之间进行周旋,签订奥地利条约和实行中立打下了基础。%In the end of the second world war ,four power ———The Soviet union ,Amarica ,Britain and France———had occupied Austria in division area .After the war ,the four powers had struggled over Aus‐tria .In the struggles such as the composition of Austria’s newgovernment ,Austria’s currency reform ,the definition of “a Germany assets” in Austria and cutting the occupation costs ,etc .,the Soviet union were disadvantage exceptthereparatationproblem .The fundamental reason was related in the Soviet union occu‐pation policy which was predatory and damage .With expansion of the cold war the struggles in Austria be‐tween the United States and the Soviet union were also escalated .The Marshall plan not only promoted the economic revival of Austria ,but also kept the Austrian economic unity .Its unity on the political and eco‐nomic revival had laid the profonud foundation to deal with the Soviet union andAmrica and to sign a Aus‐trian treaty and to neutral in the internationalsociety .



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