首页> 中文期刊>实用放射学杂志 >急性吸入性汞中毒胸部X线及CT表现




Objective To analyze chest radiographic and CT features of acute inhaled mercury poisoning. Methods 23 cases with high concentration of mercury vapour inhaled acutely were included in this study. Among them, 81 cases underwent chest radio-graphics (61 times) and 11 cases underwent CT scanning(17 times). Radiographic and CT features were analysed. Results Chest radiographs showed pneumonia in 10 cases, the lesions appeared as multiple and scattered patchy high density in bilateral lung field with obscure border, and 3 cases combined with emphysema. There were 7 cases of interstitial pneumonia, radiographs showed lung markings increased and disorder, patchy, strip and gridding high dense shadows. 6 cases had toxic bubble pulmonary edema, which presented as large patchy dense shadows, and 4 cases of interstitial pulmonary edema, K's A,B lines were seen. On CT images, pneumonia appeared as multiple and scattered patchy shadows in bilateral lung field with bullous emphysemas which were low dense thin-wall bubbly shadows. Interstitial pneumonia appeared as lung weight lung markings in creased and blurred, resulted in massive, stripe net-like dense shadows with exudative changes around the lesions. Bullous pulmonary edema appeared as large patchy or butterfly wing-like dense shadow with undefinitive borders. Conclusion The chest X-ray and CT manifestations arc of certain characteristics in acute inhalation of mercury-induced pneumonia, combined with the clinical history and laboratory examination the diagnosis may be done.%目的 分析急性吸入性汞中毒性肺炎胸部X线及CT表现.方法 23例急性吸入性汞中毒患者,拍摄胸部平片61次,其中11例行胸部CT扫描17次,分析其X线及CT表现.结果 23例入院时X线片示汞毒性实质性肺炎10例,表现为双肺野多发片状密度增高影,边缘模糊,散在分布,3例伴有泡性肺气肿.汞毒性肺间质性炎症7例,表现为肺纹理增重模糊及紊乱,呈斑团状、条索状、网格状致密影.中毒性泡性肺水肿6例,表现为双肺大片状密度增高阴影,4例合并间质性肺水肿,可见K氏A、B线.CT扫描显示汞毒性实质性肺炎为双肺野多发散在分布的片状高密度影,范围广泛,伴发的泡性肺气肿呈低密度大小不等薄壁泡状影.汞毒性肺间质性炎症CT表现为肺纹理增重模糊,局部呈斑团状、条索状、网格状高密度影,病灶周围伴较高密度渗出性改变.中毒性泡性肺水肿表现为双肺大片状或蝶翼状密度增高影,边界模糊、欠光整.结论 急性吸入性汞中毒性肺炎胸部X线及CT表现具有一定的特征性,结合临床病史和实验室检查可作出明确诊断.



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