首页> 中文期刊>植物营养与肥料学报 >磷高效型野生大麦根系形态和根系分泌物对低水平植酸态有机磷的响应特征




【目的】有机磷为土壤磷库的重要组成部分,研究不同磷效率作物对有机磷的利用能力的差异,有助于了解作物高效吸收磷的机理。【方法】以磷高效基因型大麦(IS-22-25、IS-22-30)和低效基因型大麦(IS-07-07)为试验材料,植酸钠为有机磷源进行水培试验。设置5个植酸钠浓度(0.1、0.2、0.3、0.4、0.5 mmol/L),使用根系扫描仪分析其根长、根表面积、根体积等形态特征,并测定根系与根系分泌的酸性磷酸酶、植酸酶活性等生理特征。【结果】随有机磷浓度降低,磷高效基因型野生大麦总根长、总表面积和总体积呈增加趋势。低有机磷浓度下,磷高效基因型大麦总根长较正常有机磷浓度(0.4 mmol/L)下增加了139.7%~146.0%,直径 D<0.16 mm的根长提高了156.8%~161.5%,且磷高效基因型总根长较低效基因型高8.6%~60.4%。低有机磷浓度下,磷高效基因型根系各参数均显著高于低效基因型。随着有机磷浓度降低,磷高效基因型根总表面积提高了83.5%~117.5%,较低效基因型高14.0%~46.4%;根总体积提高了80.7%~119.3%,较低效基因型高19.6%~150.0%。随着有机磷浓度升高,磷高效基因型根系及其分泌酸性磷酸酶和植酸酶活性显著降低。低有机磷浓度下,磷高效基因型根系酸性磷酸酶和植酸酶活性增加了163.3%~172.2%和98.6%~121.2%,较低效基因型高14.4%~41.2%和23.1%~37.2%;磷高效基因型根系分泌酸性磷酸酶和植酸酶活性增加了157.8%~193.4%和172.4%~183.4%,较低效基因型高20.2%~45.7%和24.7%~51.4%。【结论】在低浓度有机磷胁迫下,磷高效基因型通过良好的根系形态,有效扩大了根系对水分和养分的接触空间,为磷高效基因型的快速生长和磷素吸收提供了条件;同时,低浓度有机磷胁迫增强了根系分泌酸性磷酸酶和植酸酶,提高了介质环境中磷素的生物有效性,对有机磷的吸收利用表现出明显优势。%[Objectives]Organic phosphorus (P) is an important component of soil P pools. Observing the response difference in root morphology of plants when exposured to low organic P stress will help understanding the mechanism of plant genotype P use efficiency in the environment.[Methods]A hydroponic experiment was conducted with P-efficient genotypes (IS-22-25 and IS-22-30) and P-inefficient genotype (IS-07-07) as test materials and with phytate sodium as organic P source. Five phytate-P levels were set up in the nutrition solution:0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 mmol/L. The root length, surface area and volume were analyzed using a root scanning system, and the activities of acid phosphatase and phytase were determined in roots of both wild barley genotypes.[Results]The total root length, surface area and volume in the P-efficient wild barley genotypes were increased gradually in response to the reduced organic P supply levels. In the low organic P level, the total root lengths in the P-efficient wild barley genotypes were increased by 139.7%–146.0% compared to those in the normal organic P condition (0.4 mmol/L), and the lengths were increased by 8.6%–60.4% in relative to that in the P-inefficient genotype. In the low organic P condition, the lengths of the roots (D<0.16 mm) in the P-efficient wild barley genotypes were 156.8%–161.5% higher than those in the normal organic P condition. Increases of 83.5%–117.5% and 80.7%–119.3% were observed in total surface area and total volume in the P-efficient wild barley in response to the reduction of organic P concentration, which were 14.0%–46.4% and 19.6%–150.0% higher than those in the P-inefficient wild barley, respectively. In addition, the activities of acid phosphatase and phytase were significantly reduced with the increasing levels of the organic P. In the low organic P condition, the activities of acid phosphoatase and phytase of the P-efficient wild barley were increased by 163.3%–172.2% and 98.6%–121.2%, which were 14.4%–41.2% and 23.1%–37.2% higher than those in the P-inefficient genotype, respectively. Meanwhile, the activities of acid phosphatase and phytase excreted by root in the P-efficient genotypes were increased by 157.8%–193.4% and 172.4%–183.4%, which were 20.2%–15.7% and 24.7%–51.4% higher than those in the P-inefficient genotype, respectively.[Conclusion]In the low organic P supply levels, good root morphology in the P-efficient wild barley genotypes was beneficial to expand attaching space of water and nutrition, which provided a good basis for growth and P uptake. Meanwhile, the increases in the activities of acid phosphatase and phytase excreted by roots in the P-efficient genotypes in the low organic P condition improved the bioavailability of P and accelerated to assimilate and utilize organic P, which should be one of the mechanisms contributing to efficiently absorb and utilize P in the P-efficient wild barley genotypes.



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