首页> 中文期刊> 《中华耳科学杂志(英文版)》 >Double challenge:cochlear implantation in the only hearing ear with progressive hearing loss following meningitis and vestibular dysfunction after implantation

Double challenge:cochlear implantation in the only hearing ear with progressive hearing loss following meningitis and vestibular dysfunction after implantation



cqvip:Objective:Vestibular dysfunction associated with cochlear implantation is rare.It is usually seen in patients with otosclerosis due to spread of electrical activity throughout the demineralized bone.A 17-year old female with progressive hearing loss 2 years after meningitis and vestibular dysfunction in the implanted ear is presented in this study.Findings:The patient had mild hearing loss in the right ear and total hearing loss on the left side because of complete ossification of the cochlea following meningitis.She had to have cochlear implantation in the right ear because of progression of hearing loss.She had successful implantation but she experienced vestibular dysfunction following activation of cochlear electrodes.Closure of two electrodes caused disruption of auditory programming.Then the patient was subjected to long term vestibular rehabilitation program.Conclusion:Timing for implantation before the completion of cochlear ossification is crucial not to miss the chance for hearing restoration.However,difficulties in hearing rehabilitation due to extensive ossification can be doubled by vestibular problems triggered by stimulation of the vestibular nerve by cochlear electrodes.Attempts to reduce the balance problem will complicate auditory programming.Vestibular rehabilitation for long term helps to carry on hearing progress.




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