首页> 中文期刊> 《护士进修杂志》 >排尿训练应用于老年患者残余尿量异常的临床效果观察




目的:探讨排尿训练技术应用于老年患者残余尿量异常的临床效果。方法将55例能自控排尿或失禁但残余尿量异常的患者随机分为观察组(28例)和对照组(27例)。观察组采用排尿训练技术训练患者排尿功能,包括:按计划饮水、定时提醒排尿、改变排尿时体位、使用增加腹压法尽可能排尽尿液,对残余尿量≥100 m L的患者给予间歇导尿。对照组按常规护理方法,如患者出现泌尿系感染,根据医嘱及时给予留置尿管、使用抗生素等处理。结果观察组干预后残余尿量较干预前减少,尿路感染发生例数少于干预前,两组患者干预后残余尿量及尿路感染发生例数比较(P<0.05)差异有统计学意义。结论排尿训练技术应用于残余尿量异常的老年患者能促进膀胱的排空,减少残余尿量,降低尿路感染几率。%Objective To study the clinical effects of urination training on old patients with excess residual urine . Method 55 patients with excess residual urine were randomly divided into experimental group (n=28) and control group (n=27) .Experimental group was given comprehensive nursing intervention ,such as drinking and urinating on schedule ,changing positions during urination ,increasing abdominal pressure and performing intermittent cathe‐terization for patients with residual urine above 100mL .Control group was given routine nursing ,such as drinking more ,keeping cleanliness of perineum ,remaining catheterization and using antibiotics once infection .Result Com‐pared with control group ,residual urine and incidence of urinary tract infection in experimental group decreased sig‐nificantly after treatment .The difference of residual urine volume and urinary tract infection after intervention in the two groups was statistically significant .Conclusion Urination training is effective for the old patients with excess re‐sidual urine to empty the bladder ,reduce residual urine and the incidence of urinary tract infection .It is also easy and worth promotion in clinical and pension institution .



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