首页> 中文期刊>宁波大学学报(人文科学版) >合纵连横:战国中期的军事外交论纲




After the break of the“international”pattern of the Seven Great States, the“vertical and horizontal alliances”was an important part of the military diplomacy and an important feature of the time in the middle of the Warring States. The military diplomacy based on the vertical and horizontal alliances always made a great influence on the trend of history at the time. As a social group of the particular historical stage, the diplomats advocating the vertical and horizontal alliances played a very important role in the military diplomacy activities in the period though the role they played was not decisive. The military strategies and the arts of contingency management and decision-making by these diplomats are abstruse, philosophical and pragmatic. They are crystallized wisdom of the Chinese nation and they are still of great value today.%  合纵连横是七雄并立的“国际”格局被打破后,战国中期军事外交活动的重要主题,并构成战国中期社会的一个重要特征。合纵连横军事外交的成败往往影响着战国中期的历史走向。纵横家作为特定历史阶段产生的一个特殊群体,是该阶段军事外交活动的最重要角色,他们对战国中期历史走向仅仅产生影响,而非发挥决定性作用。纵横家提出的许多军事谋略、权变决策艺术,具有深邃性、哲理性、实用性等特点,是中华民族聪明才智的结晶,迄今仍具有重要的借鉴意义和价值。



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