首页> 中文期刊>内江师范学院学报 >郭店楚简《性自命出》美学思想再探




The bamboo slip work Sex Derived from Life by GUO Dian holds that feeling is derived from the stimulation of sex which is connate. This provides a philosophical basis of feeling - nature. If feeling is not constrained, it will bring disasters to people. And the works on this basis are not in accordance with rites. Therefore, the work requires the artists constrain their feeling with rites. Further, the work holds that the stimulation with different things will produce different feelings. Accordingly, people in different places, times and environments have different aesthetic flavors since the aesthetic activities need the feeling's driving and the feeling accompanies aesthetic activities all the time.%郭店楚简《性自命出》认为“情”产生于外物对“性”的刺激,而“性”又是天赋的,这就给“情”的产生找到了一个哲学根据——“天”。但如果“情”不受到节制,就会给人带来巨大的灾害,依此创作出的艺术作品也不符合“礼”,所以《性自命出》要求艺术家必须以“礼”节情。另外,《性自命出》认为不同的“物”刺激相同的“性”会产生不同的“情”。因此,不同地域、时代、环境等的人会具有不同的审美爱好或倾向,因为审美活动需要情感的催使,情感始终伴随着审美活动。



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