针对EMS型低速磁浮列车的U型电磁铁,研究其气隙磁密及结构参数的设计方法.气隙磁密应选为铁芯材料的磁导率下降到其最大值的90%时所对应的磁密.结构参数包括极长、极高、窗宽、窗高和轭厚,极长影响牵引效率及过弯能力,极宽影响承载能力和导向刚度,窗宽和窗高影响重量,但随轨宽而定,轭厚按磁轭与磁极的磁密相等的原则来选取.%The magnetic flux density in the clearance and the structural parameters were designed for the U-shaped electromagnet of Low-speed EMS Maglev Trains.The magnetic flux density in the clearance was chosen as the magnetic flux density when the permeability of the iron Cole material decreased to ninety percent of its maximum value.The related structural parameters ale the length and the width of the magnetic pole,the width and the height of the window,and the depth of the yoke.It Was represented that the lensth of the magnetic pole has effects on the turning capability of the fiaslev train,the width of the magnetic pole has effects on the carryins capacity and the guidins stiffness of the train,the width and height of the window has influence on the weight of the train,which should be determined by the width of the snide way,and the depth of the yoke should be chosen according to the principle that the magnetic flux density in the magnetic yoke equals to that in the magnetic pole.