首页> 中文期刊> 《国防科技大学学报》 >北斗多业务卫星系统与应用——论北斗Bs导航




无线电频率是不可再生的资源,频率共用已成为国际电信联盟的共识,多业务融合发展已成为世界卫星无线电系统发展趋势.S频段中2483.5 MHz ~ 2500 MHz被国际电信联盟划分为卫星多业务共用频率,包括卫星无线电定位报告业务、卫星无线电导航业务、卫星移动通信业务三大业务,可以同时提供卫星导航、航路跟踪、遇险救援、信息中继四大功能.介绍了S频段天基系统发展过程、导航通信频率特性、S频段多功能集成前景,我国北斗未来使用S频段导航的应用成果及社会经济效益预测.%Radio frequency is a non-renewable resource,and frequency sharing has become the consensus of the International Telecommunication Union.Multi-service integration has been the development trend of the world radio satellite system.S band 2483.5 MHz ~ 2500 MHz has been allocated into the sharing band of satellite multi-service including radio determinations satellite service,radio navigation satellite service and mobile satellite service by International Telecommunication Union,and is expected to provide four functions:satellite navigation,route tracking,emergency rescue and information relay.The development of S band space based system,the frequency characteristics of navigation communication and the prospect of S band multi-service were introduced,the future application and social and economic benefits of the S band navigation in China were predicted.



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