首页> 中文期刊>南通大学学报(社会科学版) >霍桑《小布朗先生》主要人物形象的功能语境解读




系统功能语言学视文学作品为社会语篇,主张从广阔的文化语境的视角来研究文学语篇,为文学语境研究提供了系统的理论框架指导。借用系统功能语言学的语境理论,文章将《小布朗先生》中的主要人物小布朗先生置于1692年的塞勒姆巫术妄想事件中,考察了该文学语篇的社会文化语境,分析了其情景语境和上下文语境。文章认为该语篇之情景语境为当年巫术妄想事件之实例化,从而驱散霍桑通过词汇语法手段制造弥漫于情景语境和上下文语境中的“朦胧迷雾”,功能语境解读使得该人物形象明晰化、合理化。%The linguistic turn of literary studies leads to the integration of SFL theory in literary studies, which pro-vides the field with an objective and reliable approach of great interpretive power, contributes greatly to Stylistics in theo-ry and practice, and verifies its feasibility and applicability in literary studies. According to SFL theory, literary works are social discourses and therefore should be studied from the broad perspective of the context of culture, which provides the literary contextual studies with a systematic theoretical framework. Using the contextual theory in SFL, the paper analyses the main literary characters in Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne against the backdrop of the Salem Witchcraft Hysteria in 1692 by studying its context of culture, context of situation and co-text, and concludes that the context of situation of the discourse is an instantiation of the Salem Witchcraft Hysteria, thus clears the “mist” permeates the context of situation and co-text through lexicogrammatical means by the writer, leading to a clear and reasonable in-terpretation of the literary character.



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