首页> 中文期刊>南通大学学报(社会科学版) >生态概念的意识形态性内涵及其演变




Eco-concept is, undoubtedly, a popular issue in the world now. However, there exists an indistinct worry behind the concept that its political value and ideological role tend to be neglected. Actually, eco-concept is beyond the domain of natural science, which in itself contains significant ideological value. And ecological problem is much more than a simple issue of protecting the environment. Eco-concept, based on the critique of the relationship of Master and Slave between human beings and the nature, deeply condemns the unequal relationship among human beings in capitalist society and expresses awareness of and pursuit of value equality among human beings and between human and the nature.%生态概念无疑是当今世界最时髦的概念,但在这时髦概念的背后却存在着一个隐忧,忘却了其政治价值和意识形态作用。生态概念不是只局限于自然科学的范畴,生态问题也不是一个简单的环境保护问题,生态概念本身蕴含着强烈的意识形态价值。它在批判人与自然之间主奴关系的基础上,深刻谴责着资本主义社会人与人之间的不平等关系,表达着未来社会对人与人、人与自然之间价值平等的意识和追求。



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