首页> 中文期刊>南通大学学报(社会科学版) >工作环境、相对剥夺与农民工工作倦怠




Through analyzing the questionnaire data on migrant workers in 2012,the author compares the difference of job burnout between migrant workers and white-collar workers, and discusses the influencing factors of job burnout from three dimensions: the generation, the work environment and relative deprivation. The study found that compared with white-collar workers, migrant workers have more cynical mood; generations have a big difference and the new generation is higher than the older generation; Work hours and work technical requirements of the work environment will enhance job burnout; job autonomy , interpersonal support ,protection of the rights and interests of formal management system help to alleviate the negative symptom of individual experience in work; relative deprivation also enhances the job burnout. Ac-cording to these findings, the author puts forward the prevention and intervention of job burnout among migrant workers.%基于2012年“外出务工人员”调查数据,分析比较农民工与白领人群工作倦怠的差异,并从代际、工作环境、相对剥夺三个维度探讨了工作倦怠的成因。研究发现:与白领相比,农民工出现玩世不恭情绪更高;农民工代际间存在很大差别,新一代的工作倦怠程度比老一代要高;工作环境维度的工作时长、工作技术要求会增强工作倦怠,而工作自主性、人际支持、管理制度正式化、权益保护有助于缓解个体在工作中所出现的负面症状;相对剥夺感也会增强工作倦怠。防范和干预农民工的工作倦怠情绪,需要动员农民工群体工作场域中的支持力量,发挥农民工的自主性,同时需要完善相关的管理制度。



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