首页> 中文期刊>南京体育学院学报(自然科学版) >江苏省普通高校中青年体育教师体能现状及影响因素研究




以江苏省部分高校中青年体育教师体能测试的结果为研究对象,对其体能现状进行分析,发现体能测试成绩的高低与年龄的增长,不同专项的差异,男女性别的差异有相关性。但最主要因素是自身对体能的认知和体能训练的习惯。根据目前现状,有关部门应制定相关政策法规,定期组织体育教师进行体能训练与测试,并根据测试结果有相应的奖惩制度,督促体育教师加强体能训练,并适当合理安排教师的工作量,改善工作环境,提高福利待遇。%This essay analyses the results of young PE teachers’ fitness conditions in several schools in Jiangsu, and concludes that the scores in fitness tests are relevant to parameters such as age, sports, and gender with the training of physical fitness being the key factor. Based on current situation, the government departments concerned should make relevant laws and policies and organize regu-lar physical training and fitness tests for PE teachers. In addition,a corresponding system of rewards and penalties should also be established to urge PE teachers to improve their fitness conditions. Meanwhile, teaching staff should be wisely arranged to various teaching tasks so as to im-prove their teaching conditions and warfare system.



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