首页> 中文期刊>南京工程学院学报(社会科学版) >中国文化'走出去'语境下的中国文化英译教材编撰——以《中国文化翻译——汉英翻译过程》(2014)为例




This paper gives a thorough review on the content, feature, academic significance and reflections of the masterpiece Translating Chinese Culture: The Process of Chinese-English Translation (2014) coauthored by Valerie Pellatt, Eric T. Liu and Yalta YaYun Chen. It points out this textbook about cultural translation written in English can not only provide a learning material for western learners who love Chinese culture deeply, but also offer a textbook for Chinese learners who have an ambition to devote themselves into the career of English translation for Chinese culture. Meanwhile, compiling method of this textbook can offer a reference for those who want to sell Chinese culture to the western world and the compilation of Chinese-English translation textbook. Furthermore, some viewpoints in this academic work are worth of reflection for introducing Chinese culture into the western world.%从作品内容、写作特色、学术意义与读后反思等方面对纽卡斯尔大学的瓦莱丽·帕拉特博士、华裔(台湾)学者艾利克·T·刘和陈雅云合著《中国文化翻译——汉英翻译过程教程》(2014)进行了介评,指出用英语撰写的这部汉英文化翻译教材,不仅可以为钟情中国文化的英美学者提供汉英翻译学习素材,还可为有志于汉英翻译的中国学者提供学习素材.该教材也为学者在中国文化"走出去"过程中如何编撰相关汉英翻译教材以及运用翻译策略提供了方法与视角上的参考.



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