首页> 中文期刊> 《南昌工程学院学报》 >《三国演义》中诸葛亮艺术形象新论




Romance of Three Kingdoms is the first full-length historical novel in Chinese literary. In the novel, the author created more than 400 images of artistic characters, among which the most sparkling one is Zhuge Liang, the center of the characters. For various reasons, the academic circles tend to take Zhuge Liang as a very smart advisor and unconsciously ignore his personal traits. So, on the basis of the former study, we need to analyze his typical im- age features more specifically,namely wisdom,loyalty and bravery. It aims at grasping the essence of this image as a whole from multiple aspects and perspectives. We attempt to provide beneficial infection and instruction for readers, which is the ultimate value of artistic characters and literary works.%《三国演义》是中国文学史上第一部长篇历史小说。在小说中,作者塑造了400多个各具特点、栩栩如生的艺术形象,诸葛亮便是其中之一。由于各种原因,学界通常只把诸葛亮看作"神机妙算"的军师,而有意无意地忽视了他所具有的其他鲜明艺术个性。在相关研究的基础上,对这一小说艺术典型比较优秀的三个方面的个性特征,即"才智"、"忠诚"、"勇毅"进行新的美学分析和艺术解读,希望藉此对这一小说人物形象有多方面、多角度、整体的了解与认识,并能理解它为历代读者及现实生活提供了有益的感染和启迪作用。



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