首页> 中文期刊>海交史研究 >福州运木船与“花屁股”




G. R. G. Worcester ( 1890 - 1969), served as the River Inspector of the Chi- nese Maritime Customs for about 30 years since 1919. He toured and conducted re- search in the Changjiang ( Yangtse River) region, and recored 243 types of vessels. He was an expert in Chinese junks. The vessels from Fuzhou often carried fir woods to Shanghai and this is the only Fujian ocean-going junk described by Worcester. The name "Hua Piku" or "Flowery Buttock" for this kind of vessel is first mentioned in his book; this name is not found in any earlier record. In 1940 Worcester's book The Junks & Sampans of The Yangtz was published in Shanghai%英国人G.R.G.沃斯特(GeorgeRaleigh Gray Worcester,1890—1969,中文名夏德)1919年进入中国海关总税务司,在河务督察任内工作了近30年直至退休。伍斯特在中国期间因职务之便得以在长江流域做长期的旅行和田野调查,一共记录了243种船型并一一绘制船图,以长江水系为中心,编织出中国传统帆船的经纬。福州运木船因常运杉往上海,成为沃斯特所记录的唯一福建海船。而“花屁股”的别称,亦首见于该文,此前的史料记载并未见如是称法。沃斯特于1940年在上海出版了《长江上游之帆船与舢板》,1947年出版了《长江之帆船与舢板》,后者的修订版于1970年在美国出版。



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