首页> 中文期刊>洛阳师范学院学报 >从艾森豪威尔到肯尼迪:美国对日政策的转变




1960年日本“安保危机”之后的困局促使美国对日政策从“占领者”心态向“平等伙伴关系”心态转变。艾森豪威尔时期的美日关系虽然得到了很大程度上的改变,但是,美国对日政策仍带有很强的“占领者”色彩。肯尼迪时期,美国适应新形势的需要,着手调整对日政策,采取了“单边”贸易自由化、美日事前协商框架等政策,开始向“平等伙伴关系”转变,试图重构美日关系。%In order to cope with the dilemma after the 1960 “Anpo Crisis”, the United States had learnt to transform the sense of superiority over Japan as a conqueror into the sensation of equality as an “Equal Partner”. During the Eisenhower era, the United States’ foreign policy towards Japan was full of the sense of an“Occupier”. Although the U. S.-Japan relations had leapt a great leap forward, it still couldn’ t cater for the strong national emo-tion of many Japanese chauvinists. Under J. F. Kennedy, however, the government tried to modify the policy to-wards Japan so as to fit the new situation. The government had adopted new policies like unilateral trade liberaliza-tion, and the “Prior Consultation Framework” between the U. S and Japan, in order to reconstruct the U. S-Japan relations.



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