首页> 中文期刊>洛阳理工学院学报(社会科学版) >中国洛阳牡丹文化节发展现状与对策研究--以第31届中国洛阳牡丹文化节为例




中国洛阳牡丹文化节的前身是始于1983年的洛阳牡丹花会,迄今已经连续举办了32届,尤其自2011年升格为国家级节会以来更是取得重大突破,其对地区经济社会发展的促进作用也日益凸显。然而,升级后中国洛阳牡丹文化节仍存在若干问题,突出表现在宣传工作、文化活动、节会瓶颈、旅游消费等方面。未来完善和提升牡丹文化节的对策主要有:加强创新、完善节会宣传模式;广泛参与、彰显民众主体地位;凝聚合力、突破节会发展瓶颈;积极引导、挖掘公众消费潜力等。%The predecessor of China Luoyang Peony Festival was Luoyang peony festival starting in 1983 and so far it has been held for 32 sessions in a row.The year of 201 1 marked a major break through,for the peony festival was upgraded into a national festival and its role in promoting regional economic and social development has become increasingly prominent.However,since the upgrading,there exists some problems in the peony festival which have apparently rose in propaganda,cultural activities,festival and conference bottlenecks and tourism consumption, etc.Countermeasures for perfecting and promoting the peony festival mainly should be:strengthen the innovative efforts,perfect the festival propaganda mode,broaden the participation,highlight people’s subject status,con-dense the combining forces,break through the festival development bottlenecks,actively guide and raise the public consumption potential etc.



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