首页> 中文期刊>柳州职业技术学院学报 >广西少数民族贫困地区新农村文化建设的现状及对策--以金秀瑶族自治县六巷乡门头村为例




As people known that the economical basis determines the superstructurefrom the perspective of dialectical materialism.The author makes fieldwork in MentouVillage of LiuxiangJinxiu Countytoanalyze the cultural construction of new socialist countryside. The village made certain achievements in the cultural hardware construction, cultural activities and folk culture protection and other development aspects, there are alsofacing practical problems which further enhance the level of public cultural services, strengthen cul-tural and personnel to improve villagers′ ideological and cultural quality. Finally, the author makes sugges-tions the integration of all resources to increase support and accelerate local economic development as well as to carry out " three enters" with the socialist advanced culture and scientific knowledge of armed vil-lagers′ minds recommendations.%站在马克思主义立场,从辩证唯物主义经济基础决定上层建筑视角,以金秀瑶族自治县六巷乡门头村社会主义新农村文化建设作为实地调查内容。该村在文化硬件建设、文化活动开展以及民俗文化保护与开发等方面取得一定成绩,同时也存在着进一步提升公共文化服务水平、壮大文化人才队伍以及提高村民思想文化素质等现实问题,最后提出整合各方资源加大支持力度、加快当地经济发展以及开展“三进”工作,用社会主义先进文化和科学知识武装村民头脑的建议。



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