首页> 中文期刊> 《兰州交通大学学报》 >含CPP纤维的TTCP型磷酸盐骨水泥的制备




Currently,some shortcomings of Calcium Phosphate Cement (CPC) such as the high brittleness and low strength restrict its application in many load-bearing and weak bone sites.It is important to improve the mechanical strength of CPC to expand its application.CPC and its composites with CPP fiber-reinforced are prepared,and the effect of the content of TTCP on hardening time,compressive strength and pH volume of soak solution is studied.And the effect of the content of CPP on hardening time and mechanical properties of composites is studied.The hardening time is 20min,compressive strength is 45.83MPa,pH volume is between 6 and 8 when TTCP is 10%.The compressive strength of bone cement with CPP fiber is 46.91MPa,the bending strength is 13.85 MPa when CPP content is 10%.From scanning electron microscope it is showed that CPP fibers are distributed uniformly in CPC and combined with the bone cement base.The mechanical properties of TTCP Type CPC can meet the clinical requirements of cancellous bone,and pH volume of soak solution has a small range which can reduce the risk of inflammatory reaction.The right amount of CPP fiber has obvious reinforced-result on CPC.%目前磷酸盐骨水泥(CPC)脆性大、强度低等缺点限制了其在很多承受应力部位或骨质薄弱部位的应用,提高力学性能是扩展其应用范围的重要方面.制备了磷酸盐骨水泥及CPP纤维增强的骨水泥复合材料,研究了TTCP含量对骨水泥凝固时间、抗压强度及骨水泥浸泡液pH值的影响;CPP纤维含量对CPC骨水泥凝固时间、力学性能的影响.结果表明:当TTCP含量为10%时,骨水泥凝固时间为20 min,抗压强度为45.83 MPa,浸泡液pH值在6~8之间;当CPP含量为10%时,骨水泥复合材料抗压强度为46.91 MPa,抗弯强度为13.85 MPa;扫描电镜照片显示CPP在CPC骨水泥基体中分布均匀,结合性能好.TTCP型骨水泥能够满足临床上对松质骨的力学性能要求,浸泡液pH值变化范围小,可降低炎性反应发生的风险;适量CPP纤维对CPC有明显的增强效果.



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