首页> 中文期刊>廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版) >燕国“禅让”实践的重新解读




春秋战国时期,巨大的历史变迁,暴露出王权政体的诸多弊端,使得人们不得不去探寻新的政治发展模式,为中国历史的未来发展设计基本的政治路径。其中,战国时期兴起的"禅让"学说思潮,就是很重要的一种理论探索。而在现实政治中,一些诸侯国也试图应用这一理论,探索自身王国政权的发展模式,但真正付诸实践的,只有燕王哙禅让于大臣子之。这一行动,无论对社会政治、历史演进方式,还是"禅让"学说的理论走向,都产生了重要影响。%From the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period,a huge historical change exposed the royal regime's many problems,so people had to explore new models of political development and the basic design of the political path for the future development of Chinese history.Of those,the "demise" doctrine during the Warring States Period is a very important theoretical attempt.In political reality,some of the dukedoms tried to apply this theory to explore the development of their own kingdoms.But only King Kuai of Yan actually put demise into practice by demising his throne to Zi Zhi the minister.This action has an important impact on either social politics and historical evolution or theoretical trend of the "demise" theory.



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