首页> 中文期刊> 《廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 >关于顺治皇帝召五世达赖喇嘛入京的论争--从洪承畴的一道奏疏谈起




顺治皇帝召五世达赖喇嘛入京一事引发满汉之间的激烈论争,顺治八年洪承畴所上奏疏是汉臣意见的集中代表。论争是满汉文化的交锋,清朝入关之初,正处于满汉民族文化冲突的凸显时期,入仕清朝的晚明汉官群体不仅希望跻身外族政治集团,更希望能用传统的儒家思想影响顺治皇帝,建构新王朝的治国理念。论争又是国家民族政策的辩论与选择,五世达赖喇嘛最终入京觐见并受封,对满、蒙、藏上层的联合起到了关键作用,也有利于边疆的稳定和国家的统一。%The Shun-Chih Emperor summoned Dalai Lama to Beijing, which aroused a heated debate, with Hong Chengtao Memorials in Shunzhi 8th Year the representative view of all the Han ministers. This debate is the controversy between Manchu and Han at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty when there was the highlight of the cultural conflict since the late Ming Han official group not only hoped to enter the alien political leadership, but also wanted to use the traditional Confucian ideas to influence the Shun-Chih Emperor in or-der to construct new governing philosophy. Also, this controversy is on the debate and choice of the nationality policy. At last, the Fifth Dalai Lama was summoned into Beijing and titles were conferred on him. Thus, it played a critical role in the Manchu-Mongolia-Tibet upper class unity and was also conducive to border stability and national unity.



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