首页> 中文期刊>廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版) >“间离化”:社会批判的现代性策略--布莱希特的戏剧教育理论




Brecht bravely carried out drama reform and experiment aiming at smashing the"life illusion"of the traditional platform in order to provide a critical approach to social reform to enlighten the whole society. He creates a new "Epische Theater" style and"Estrangement Effect" is Brecht's modernity strategy to realize his social criticism from drama platform. He proposed to change the audience's mind set by estrangement effect, and expose and criticize the false ideology, so that the audience may treat the world with a different perspective way from their habitual way of thinking of daily life, and then act to reform the society.%布莱希特大胆进行戏剧实验与改革,旨在粉碎传统戏剧舞台给观众制造的“生活幻觉”,为社会的变革提供一种批判性思路,以便对观众进行社会性的启蒙与教育。他创造出了全新的“史诗剧”样式,而“间离化”是其以戏剧为平台实现其社会批判的现代性策略。布莱希特主张通过间离效果改变观众的思维定势,揭露与批判虚假意识形态,让观众在既有的习惯思维方式之外以另一种视角看待事物,从而行动起来对社会进行变革。



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