首页> 中文期刊>金陵科技学院学报(社会科学版) >马克思何以颠覆西方的政治思想传统--评阿伦特对马克思政治哲学的解读




In the western history of philosophy,Marx is known for his subversion of Hegel's philosophy;there is still a great influence today that he took the subversion of the western tra-dition of political thought (taking Hegel as the representative)on the basis of revolutionary practice.However, the relationship between Marx with the western tradition of political thought,after all,is the relationship of the same origins.Marx's philosophical subversion is still in the midst of the tradition of western political thought,and Arendt's interpretation has great theoretical and practical significance for us to completely understand the ideological origins of Marxist philosophy.However,Arendt ignores the Hebrew civilization source of Marxist philosophy;therefore,she can not explain why Marx embarks on the road of subver-sion for the West,especially for the Greek political philosophy.In addition,there are also some limitations of theoretical horizon in her interpretation.%在西方哲学史上,卡尔·马克思以对黑格尔哲学的颠覆而著称,他在革命实践基础上对以黑格尔为代表的西方政治思想传统的颠覆,至今影响颇深。不过,西方政治思想传统与马克思政治哲学的关系毕竟是源与流的关系,马克思的哲学颠覆仍然是在西方政治思想传统当中进行的。汉娜·阿伦特的解读对于我们完整地理解马克思主义哲学的思想渊源具有重大的理论与现实意义。不过,阿伦特忽视了马克思哲学思想的希伯来文明源头,所以无法解释马克思何以走上了对西方尤其是对希腊政治哲学进行颠覆的道路。此外,阿伦特对马克思政治哲学的解读也存在自身研究视野的局限。



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