首页> 中文期刊>嘉兴学院学报 >试论康德道德形而上学德性论的“建筑术”--兼与亚里士多德幸福论德性论“建筑术”比较




Architectonic question plays an important role in Kantian thinking system.The architectonic which Kant understood is the rational framework a priori.Through the enquiry into how his whole thinking system is deducted and reasoned,the architectonic thread can be ascertained;and through basic notions and argument in his moral metaphysical virtues,the architectonic development investigated. Also,there exists another architectonic in Aristotelian ethics.By comparison,a deeper understanding will come into being. Kantian virtue is morality architectonic,however,Aristotelian teleology architectonic.Thus,distinctions of moral consciousness structure are:the former means that the ontology of virtue lies in action for the sake of moral only,and the later means a state involving rational choice,consisting in a mean relative to us and determined by reason(logos).%建筑术(architectonic)的问题在康德整个思想体系一直都是重要的。康德所理解的建筑术是一种理性的先天架构。从康德全部思想体系中的先天思想如何层层演绎和推理角度,可以探究其思想建筑术的线索;从康德德性论道德形而上学基本概念和论证出发,可以考察其建筑术之运思。亚里士多德幸福论的德性论中也存在建筑术,通过比较亚里士多德与康德建筑术,可以深化对两种德性论建筑术及其道德意识结构的理解。康德的德性论建筑术是一种道德性的建筑术,德性论中道德意识结构,即德行(Tugend)的存有论是行动出于德性(Sittlichkeit);而亚氏的则属于目的性的建筑术,德性论中的道德意识结构则是灵魂合于逻各斯的中道选择。



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