首页> 中文期刊>江西教育学院学报 >新时期传统文化对青少年人格形成的影响




现代社会经济迅猛发展,人们的人格却出现了些许问题,尤其是青少年。由于改革开放以来国门打开,西方文化纷纷涌入,对中国文化形成冲击;同时,青少年自身意志薄弱,于是在青少年这个群体中就容易存在理想信念淡化,心理价值失衡,意志较为脆弱等人格弱点。针对这些问题的出现,我们要学会从传统文化中汲取精华,帮助青少年重新树立文化自信,培养他们百折不挠的精神。%With the rapid development of society and economy,people's personality has appeared with some problems, esp. the teenagers'. Because since the reform and open-up opened the gate of China to the world,the western cultures have poured in and shocked the Chinese culture. And at the same,because the teenagers are weak in their own will,it is easy for them to get weakness in their personality of the wakening of ideal and belief,the inbalance of psychological value and the fragil will. To solve these problems,we should learn to draw essence from the Chinese traditional culture to help them to set up their cultural self-belief,and cultivate their indomitable spirit.



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