首页> 中文期刊>江西教育学院学报 >高职院校利用微博推进社会主义核心价值观教育模式创新研究--基于对14个浙江省高职院校微博的调查分析




As an important platform for students to understand information in lighter vocational colleges,micro-blog is an very important stage for colleges to undertake the education of socialist core values. Based on the investigation of 14 colle-ges micro-blog,it is found that the development of micro-blog is rapid in higher vocational colleges. Therefore,in the course of promoting the education of socialist core values,colleges should strengthen the management of the content of in-formation actively,scientifically configure the time of issuing information and enforce the interaction with students,focus on the construction of relevant systems,and strive to cultivate a professional management team so as to achieve the scientific development of micro-blog in colleges.%作为高职学生了解信息的重要窗口,微博也是高职院校进行社会主义核心价值观教育的重要平台。根据对14个浙江高职院校微博的调查,发现目前高职院校微博发展迅速,在推进社会主义核心价值观教育的进程中,高职院校要积极强化对微博的信息内容管理,科学配置信息发布时间和强化与学生的互动,同时强化相关制度建设,努力培养专业管理团队,推进高职院校微博实现科学发展。



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