首页> 中文期刊>江西教育学院学报 >博物馆社会教育工作中的人文关怀--以江西省博物馆为例




博物馆是为社会服务的文化教育公益性机构,具有收藏、科学研究、传播科学文化知识、思想道德教育、丰富人民群众文化生活的社会功能。观众既是博物馆的服务对象,也是博物馆赖以生存的社会基础。了解观众、熟悉观众、服务观众、满足观众是博物馆的根本宗旨。博物馆免费开放以来,越来越多的观众走进博物馆,博物馆如何从观众的角度出发,更好地为观众服务,让观众处处感受到博物馆的人文关怀,是一个重要的课题。%Museum is a cultural and educational non-profit institution for social service,with the social functions of col-lections,scientific research,the dissemination of scientific and cultural knowledge,moral education and enriching the cul-tural life of the community. The audience are the service objectives of the museum and the social foundations to survive. It is the basic purposes for the museum to get to know the audience,be familiar with the audience,serve the audience,and meet with the audience. Since the museum is open for free,more and more audience go into the museum. The museum should provide better service and let the audience feel human care from the museum from the audience's point of view.



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