首页> 中文期刊>江苏科技大学学报(社会科学版) >战国史发掘与整理的一次尝试




战国时期是中国历史上关键的重大变革和发展时期,战国社会所具有的特殊的时代特征,决定了战国史在整个中国古代史研究中具有特殊的重要性。同时,战国史中各国争雄的诸多经验教训,对处于机遇与挑战并存的正在崛起中的当代中国制定内政、外交方针也不乏可资借鉴之处。战国史料的复杂性,长期困扰着用真实史料重建真实战国史学术目标的实现。《七雄并立———战国前期的国际政治格局》一书在学术前贤已有研究成果基础上,对战国前期(公元前468年—公元前354年)的历史进行了系统的整理和发掘①。%The Warring States Period is an important period of change and development in Chinars his- tory. The characteristics of the Warring States Period emphasize the importance of the history of Warring States in the study of the ancient Chinese history. Meanwhile, China today, which is developing with both opportunities and challenges, can borrow ideas from the experiences and lessons of each staters striving for supremacy in the history of the Warring States to draw up its domestic and diplo- matic policies. The complexity of the historical materials of the Warring States Period has made it diffi- cult to achieve the academic goal, which is to rebuild the true history of the Warring States with true historical records. The book, The Seven Powers Exist Simultaneously -- International Political Pattern in the early Warring States Period is written on the basis of the academic research achieve- ments. This book analyzes and summarizes the early history of the Warring States (468 BC - 354 BC).



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