首页> 中文期刊>江苏科技大学学报(社会科学版) >“阳光体育运动”语境下高校体育文化建设展望




高校校园体育文化建设存在诸多问题,如制度建设、文化精神建设不足,学生满意度低,管理模式存在问题。而“阳光体育运动”在开展过程中同样存在诸多问题,如对其重要性认识不充分,场地、设施缺乏,学生缺乏体育锻炼意识。应正视“阳光体育运动”建设,将校园体育文化和体育竞技建设结合,加强宣传及组织系统建设,加大体育经费投入力度,健全高校体育组织系统。%There are many problems in the construction of campus sports culture in colleges and universities , such as:deficiencies of system construction and cultural spirit ,low student satisfaction and poor management . T here are also some problems in the “Sunshine Sports” ,such as :not understanding its importance ,lack of space and facilities and students′ lack of physical exercise consciousness . Attention should be paid to the“Sunshine Sports” construction .Campus sports culture should be combined with athletic competition .We should strengthen the publicity and construction of organizational systems ,increase sports investment ,and im-prove college sports organization systems .



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