首页> 中文期刊>江南大学学报(人文社会科学版) >生态资源维护与家族组织化发展--以永嘉枫林徐氏千年家族传承史为例




永嘉县枫林镇位于楠溪江中游东岸的山地之中,人口以徐姓族人为主,堪称典型的山区宗族社会。通过有关文献资料研究和多次实地调查考察,枫林徐氏宗族社会的组织化发展脉络得到基本梳理,近千年来徐氏族人生产与生活方式沿革过程得到分期呈现,从而展示出中国传统村落家族发展及其文化传承与山林生态资源开发利用之间的历史互动性,说明以生态维护与生命至上为最高宗旨的发展标准,才能真正体现传统家族社会组织化发展的核心价值。%Located in the eastern mountains of the middle reach of Nanxi Rivereast , Fenglin tow n in Yongjia county w here Xu is the major population is called the typical mountain clanSociety . T hrough relevant literature research and several field studies , this paper discusses Clan Xu's organizational development in Fenglin ,presents by stages its evolution process of production and lifestyle in the past thousand years ,thus demonstrating the historical interaction between Chinese Traditional Village Family Development ,its cultural heritage and the development and utilization of forest ecological resources .It show s that taking the ecological maintenance and supremacy of life as the highest purpose of development criteria can truly reflect the core values of social organization development of traditional family .



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