


Humanity is the core of Confucius's idea of "Cherishing lives", which consists of "Cherishing yourself", "Cherishing the society" and "Cherishing Nature"."Cherishing yourself" advocates that people should maintain harmonious heart, keep peaceful and calm mental state, cope with their own problems properly as well."Cherishing the society" considers 'humanity' as the basic principle, and takes 'propriety' as the security.It pursues the harmonious condition through 'loyalty and forgiveness'."Cherishing the society" is the principle to handle the relationship between people with people or the society."Cherishing nature" means revering Nature, respecting Nature, and integrating into Nature, through which harmonious unification of human and nature can be achieved.As the resource of our spiritual wealth, Confucius' idea of "Cherishing lives" plays a positive role in conducting us to solve a lot of current social problems.%孔子的"贵生"思想是以"仁爱"为核心,包括"贵己"、"贵群"、"贵天"三个方面."贵己"主张人的内心和谐,保持平和、恬淡的心态,正确处理人自身的问题;"贵群"主张以"仁爱"为本,以"礼"为保障,通过"忠恕"达到"和"的局面,"贵群"是处理个人与他人、个人与社会关系的原则;"贵天"包括敬畏自然,尊重自然,融入自然,达到人与自然和谐统一.孔子的"贵生"思想作为我们精神财富的来源,对我们解决当下社会的诸多问题具有积极的指导作用.



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