首页> 中文期刊>佳木斯教育学院学报 >“人是什么”的哲学解读--卡希尔与舍勒对比研究




The question of"what is human"began in ancient Greece, after development of Pythagoras, Aristotle, et al., to Hagel is the culmination of the rational. In modern times, Cahill put forward the human is symbolic animal, in order to replace the man is a rational animal. So what is human’s nature? As a phenomenological second Dean Marx Scheler used the phenomenological attitude to examine in depth about the human nature, and exploring the essence of man and his place in the universe, he believed that human nature is:people are unknown spiritual trend (X), as the spirit of the trend of X, people are facing the world, open, after the extension;is the unity of life and spirit.%对“人是什么”的追问远在古希腊时期就开始了,经过毕达哥拉斯,亚里士多德,等人的发展,至黑格尔更是把理性推向顶峰。到了近代,卡希尔提出人是符号的动物,以此来取代人是理性的动物。那么人的本质究竟是什么呢?作为现象学第二泰斗的马克斯·舍勒用其现象学的态度进行了深入的关于人的本质的审视,而且对人的本质及其在宇宙中地位的探索,他认为人的本质观是:人是精神趋向的未知者(X),作为精神趋向的X,人是面向世界的、开放的、后延的;是生命与精神的统一体。



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