首页> 中文期刊>佳木斯教育学院学报 >治世天耶?人耶?--析《荀子·天论》中的自然观




古希腊哲学家将自然作为独立探索和研究的对象,认为自然界是绚丽未知的,因此,对自然的探求是他们一直追求的目标。而中国古代哲学家则偏爱研究自然与人的相互关系。有的倡导天命不可违,以此求得民众的顺从和臣服,有的则强调“制天命而用之”,强调发挥人的积极作用。在“天命所归”和“人定胜天”两种观点上,先贤们的分歧产生了截然不同的价值观和自然观。儒家学派的代表人物荀子对此有独到的见解,他的思想和观点对今天的社会治理有着重要的启迪和指导作用,应当善加借鉴和利用。%The philosopher of ancient Greece natural objects as independent exploration and research, think that the world is beautiful unknown, therefore, to explore the nature is that they have been pursuing the goal. And China ancient philosophers prefer studying nature and human relations. Some advocate destiny cannot be violated, in order to obtain public obedience and submission, while others emphasize"destiny and the use of the system", emphasize the positive role of human. In the"two views under the mandate of heaven"and"man can conquer nature", the founding fathers of the differences have different values and views of nature. The Confucian school representative, Xunzi has a unique opinion, his thoughts and ideas have an important inspiration and guidance on the role of social governance today, should be put to good use and use.



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