首页> 中文期刊>国际经济法学刊 >南南联合自强:年届“知命”,路在何方--国际经济秩序破旧立新的中国之声




The great career of Global South-South Coalition SSC has just entered its fifties, if we take the establishment of Group 77 in 1964 as its ori-gin.For half century, in order to eradicate the unfairness and injustice embedded in the old international economic order and legal rules, to fight for a better devel-opment environment, through wholehearted cooperation and joint action, the Global South has won some achievements, yet not without encountering a num-ber of difficulties.For the past five decades, the course of SSC has seen its ups and downs.Confucian philosophy of China advocates for a comprehensive self-reflection every decade, so as to comb the past experience for the sake of future self-improvement.At this historical turning point, it is of necessity to retrospect SSC's past accomplishments and difficulties.Contemporary international econom-ic circumstances should also be combined to revalue those ups and downs, so as to re-affirm the confidence of this long-term strategy, and to avoid tactical short-sightedness.In this way, the career of Global SSC could absorb the learned wis-dom and rebuild the original confidence, then ready to sail out once again for new accomplishments at the age of “knowing the decrees of Heaven”.For Chinese scholars, it is also necessary and a responsibility to retrospect the New China's self-position on the course of SSC, so as to provide another kind of experience from the aspect of an involving developing country.It is noteworthy to point out that China has since 2008 taken the lead in participating and promoting the BRICS countries'activities to applaud and embrace the reformation of 0IE0. Such pioneering undertaking has reached a new height, as in 2014 the world has seen a substantial breakthrough in reforming the international financial regime. The New Development Bank of BRICS countries is expected to usher in a whole new system to compete with the World Bank and IMF, which could be taken as a newly generated breeze that is now gently blowing from the above of duckweed “风起[2]青萍之末” , with a possibility to start a chain reaction and to cause the Butterfly Effect, and evolves eventual y into a powerful hurricane.Such metaphor is also a powerful evidence for a possible bright future of the course of South-South col ective self-reliance.%全球南南联合自强事业,如果从1964年“77国集团”创建起算,于今正好步入“知天命”的“人生阶段”。半个世纪以来,为了实现国际经济秩序和国际经济法的破旧立新,从而争取更加公平公正的国际发展环境,全球南方国家通力合作,集体行动,在诸如国际贸易、国际投资和国际金融各领域均取得了可观成就,也遭遇了不少困难;有过高潮迭起,也有过持续低迷。中国儒家传统智慧提倡每十年即进行一次全面的人生反思,总结经验,以为未来改善自我、不息自强之借鉴。个人如此,群体亦然。全球南方国家在年届“知命”这个历史节点,显有必要回顾、梳理南南联合事业过往的成就和困难,用战略眼光重新审视曾经的高潮和低迷,并结合当前的国际经济新形势,避免战略短视,重新坚定理念自信和道路自信,在“知天命”之后,整装重新出发,迈步走上新的征程,争取新的成就。中国学人,身处和平崛起之乡,在这个历史节点,将中国在南南联合事业中的传统自我定位实践,加以梳理总结,献与世人共享,互相策励,更是应尽的时代天职。值得重视的是,2008年以来,中国率先积极参与和推动“金砖国家”为国际经济秩序破旧立新鼓与呼,此种创举,正在不断走向新高度,2014年又在国际金融体制方面获得引人瞩目的实质性突破,成功组建“金砖开发银行”,独树一帜,挑战世界银行,犹如“风起于青萍之末”,其可能的“蝴蝶效应”,确实不容小觑,并为南南联合自强之光明前途,平添了新的有力佐证。


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    陈安; 杨帆;

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  • 入库时间 2023-07-26 02:11:04


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