首页> 中文期刊>国际经济法学刊 >The Canada-China FIPPA:Its Uniqueness and Non-reciprocity

The Canada-China FIPPA:Its Uniqueness and Non-reciprocity



中加双边投资条约的独特性和非互惠性,不仅表现在法律上,还包括在事实上对中方有利。条约对市场准入、外资审查、准入后国民待遇、最惠国待遇、业绩要求和投资者与东道国间的争端解决机制等核心条款的规定均存在非互惠性,进而为加拿大政府埋下了法律与经济层面的隐患。考虑到加拿大在中加投资条约项下的资本输入国地位,以及该条约的独特性和不可逆转性,在批准之前,加拿大应对中加双边投资条约进行彻底的、独立的和公开的审查。%The Canada-China FIPPA is not only de jure non-reciprocal, and uniquely, but also apparently de facto non-reciprocal—in favour of China. The non-reciprocal was evaluated in these respects with reference to its provisions on market access and investment screening; post-establishment national treat-ment;MFN treatment;performance requirements;ISA and so on, so the Cana-da-China FIPPA raised legal and economic concern for the Canadian government. Considering Canada’s capital-importing position in relation to China, as wel as the novelty and irreversibility of the Canada-China FIPPA, it suggested that the China FIPPA cal s for a thorough, independent, and public review prior to ratifi-cation by Canada.




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