采用多元回归的方法,研究了学术文献的研究对象、研究内容、研究方法、研究结果等学术特征四要素对科技查新项目新颖性的影响,发现研究内容、研究方法、研究结果与科技查新项目新颖性判断有较强的线性相关性,得出了多元回归模型,进行了检验和分析。利用此模型可以对科技查新项目新颖性进行定量判断,对指导科技查新的研究与实践具有重要的现实意义。%Adopting the multiple regression method, the study conducts a research into the influence of the four factors of academic litera-ture characteristics such as the research object, on the novelty of sci-tech novelty search projects. It is found that there is a strong linear correlation between the research contents, research methods and research results and the novelty judgment of sci-tech novelty search pro-jects. A multiple regression model is obtained, and the results are inspected and analyzed as well. The model can be used to quantitatively judge on the science and technology novelty of novelty search projects, and has important practical significance for guiding the research and practice of sci-tech novelty retrieval.