


The purpose of this study is to discuss the textual macrofunction in translation and analyze thematic progression.Generally speaking,in translating a certain piece of literature,using a word-for-word equivalent is rarely feasible.This article mainly uses examples of English-Chinese translation to discuss the function of textual theory in translation.Reproduction and equivalence are two natures of translation.The study of textual macrofunction is closely related to the research of translation.Language has three macrofunctions according to its meanngs and information organization:the ideational,the interpersonal and the textual macrofunction.In translation,information organization in texts is determined by theme and rheme which are concerned with the placing of information structural units.Thematization concerned with the distribution of information,it is the patterns of thematic progression.The Theme in different clauses are Nominal groups as Theme,Interrogatives,Imperatives and Exclamations,Marked Theme in declarative clauses,Multiple Themes.To achieve the equivalence of translation,we often use four patterns of thematic progression 1)simple linear progression,2)thematic progression with derived themes,3)the split pattern,4)thematic progression with a constant theme.Writer has studied the theory of Halliday,Hasan and many other linguists,using examples to show the textual macrofunction in translation from different aspects.%本文论述了翻译中的语篇宏观功能,用主位推进理论分析信息结构,为翻译提供理论指导.翻译要做到于原文结构和信息的对等.本文主要用英汉互译的例子论述语篇宏观功能在翻译中的作用.根据内涵和信息结构, 语言有三个基本宏观功能:概念功能,人际功能和语篇功能,它们是高度抽象,高度概括的功能.本文着重讨论了语言的语篇功能.语篇功能中, 信息结构是由主位和述位决定的,决定语言信息位置的系统.主位化主位次推进的方式以及信息的分配.文章阐述了在不同的句型中主位的形式:名词词组作主位,问句祈使句和感叹句的主位,感叹句中标记性主位和复项主位.作者通过分析例句总结主位推进的四个形式:1)简单线性推进法;2)源主位推进法;3)分裂主位推进法;4)恒主位推进法.作者系统学习和研究了Halliday和Hasan等语言学家的理论,用例句分析和图表等形式从不同侧面阐述了翻译中的语篇宏观功能.



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