首页> 中文期刊>内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >试论苏轼对元代士人精神之影响




元代的士人精神异常低落。元代士人不断尝试寻找一位心灵皈依的前贤人文领袖,他们寻寻觅觅,最终将目光锁定苏轼。他们学习苏轼的人格及其艺术风神,从苏轼的文化精神世界汲取养分力量,滋润自己迷茫而脆弱的心灵世界。笔者将苏轼文化人格精神与元人士人心态联系起来,梳理考辨元代文人对苏轼文化人格的接受,进而深入挖掘其士人精神风貌。%Yuan dynasty is a special period in Chinese history .The scholars were extremely low ,help‐less and weak in spirit due to the facts of ethnical oppression ,power decline of intellectuals and having no access to serve the country .They were continuously seeking for a humanistic leader in the ancestors .At last ,they focused on Su Shi after a long time of searching .They tried to learn from his personality and ar‐tistic style so as to absorb nutrients and power from his cultural and spiritual world ,thus fulfilling their confused and weak mental world .This paper combines Su Shi's cultural and personal spirit with the mental state of scholars in Yuan dynasty to sort out the reception of his cultural personality in Yuan scholars to deeply explore into the spiritual style of Yuan scholars .



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